North Cascades Highway Clearing Has Begun for the 2025 Season!
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What is the Cascade Loop?

The Cascade Loop Association is a nonprofit destination marketing organization promoting the 440-mile Nationally designated Scenic Byway known as Washington State’s Ultimate Road Trip! The roadway encompasses three unique Scenic Byways and passes through seven counties. The 501(c)6 membership-based organization partners with increase visitation to the communities and member businesses within nine unique regions, through seven counties, and encompassing three individual scenic byways. Designated “Side Trips” also encourage visitors to experience rural communities near the Loop. 

The Cascade Loop runs on a Fiscal Year from July 1st through June 30th. The statistics reported here represent our 2023-2024 fiscal year.

How we encourage traveler visits

Travel Guide 

We print and distribute 80,000 copies of our 80-page digest-size printed guide (also available for online viewing and download). Distribution through our members, and state-wide and regionally at visitor centers, airports, through Certified on Washington State Ferry runs, regional AAA offices and to anyone who requests a copy through our online portal, or by email or phone call. 

In addition to onsite distribution locations, we mailed 5320 copies, and there were 19,994 online views/downloads.


Digital Email Marketing

Twice-monthly issues sent to opt-in list over 32,000 provide planning information for users, by educating, promoting events, bringing additional exposure to members. Sponsorship opportunities for members. Our open rate is consistently over 30%.

Social Media

Our Facebook Followers (60k) and Instagram fans (15k) are engaged, and we deliver content to encourage near-future visits as well as future trip planning. Organic and paid placements. Sponsorship opportunities for members.  


Compelling content about all regions, attractions, activities, and members as well as side loops, itinerary builder, event calendar. Regular blogging, and sponsorship opportunities for members.

454,014 page views (up 21.4%) Users up 12%. 

Print Ad Presence

We advertise out-of-market to draw travelers who will likely overnight in one of our communities. Ads ran consistently in publications such as American Road Magazine, Adventure NW Magazine, Northwest Travel & Life, and annual publications like Scenic Washington.  

Travel Writers & Influencers

We cultivate relationships with media contacts independently and with partnerships through stakeholders and State of Washington Tourism to obtain editorial that reaches a broad spectrum of travelers and traveling niches. Hosted visits are possible with funding help from our partners. 


What we provide our Members

By the Numbers


Digital Channels

Funding Mix

We offer memberships at two participation levels (Basic $299 and Media-Rich $599), and we have been fortunate to receive grant funding from county lodging tax dollars each year – dependent on that county’s content proportion of the printed/online travel guide.

We leverage these dollars with opportunities from entities such as Port of Seattle and State of WA Tourism to continually promote our product: Washington State’s Ultimate Road Trip!

Our members participate in a Quarterly "Meet Up" on Zoom, where we connect, share, enlighten and encourage each other.

See the presentation from October's Meet Up -- click here