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Cascade Loop Association

The Mission of the Cascade Loop Association is to provide a world-class road trip for our visitors while delivering value to our members. 

Would you like to be a member of the Cascade Loop Association, and be represented as part of the National Scenic Byway, including being listed on our website and included in the Cascade Loop Travel Guides (printed and online)?

We’re a 501c6 non-profit located in Wenatchee, WA but serving the entire 440-mile byway corridor. We promote travel to the byway through a variety of methods including this website, search engine marketing, social media, print advertising, video, international travel trade shows, and our printed and digital travel guide. We print 80,000 copies and distribute them world-wide at no charge to those who request it, and distribution locations such as travel agencies, tourist destinations, hotels, attractions, etc. The printed guide is also posted online and downloaded or viewed well over 100,000 times throughout the year, effectively doubling the exposure. All members receive a text listing in our Travel Guide if membership is received by December 15th, and are listed on our website, (no deadline).

Click Here to learn more about what the Cascade Loop does for its traveling audience and it's members, and statistics for 2024!

2025 Annual Membership Options

Basic - $299 -- Text listing in Printed/Online Travel Guide and Website Listing with 6 photos and contact information

Media Rich - $599 -- In addition to text listing in Travel Guide and Website Listing, you receive more listing photos, an opportunity to share your unique blog content with our audience, and your business will be included in itineraries that will be shared over our channels and with media partners. 

Learn more about these Membership Tiers here

Additional Advertising Opportunities

See our full Rate Card including detailed membership and advertising information, rates and traveler demographics. Advertising with the Cascade Loop Association is limited to our members and timelines and limitations apply.

The Cascade Loop is managed by two organizations: The Cascade Loop Foundation, a 501 C3 non-profit focused on supporting the management of the byway through education, public safety and sustainability, AND the Cascade Loop Association, a 501 C6 non-profit whose mission is to deliver a world-class road trip for our visitors while also delivering value to our members. 

Both organizations are governed by our board of directors, representing each of the nine distinct regions of the byway. We are staffed by a full-time Executive Director, eager to help you with your membership questions--feel free to drop us a line and we'll be happy to assist! Rather chat person-to-person? Just give us a jingle and we'll gladly help you out. Just call us at (509) 662-3888.

Two membership options and other advertising opportunities are available -- check out the Membership Levels and Rate Card for more information.

Become a Member

We offer three types of memberships, each delivering distinct membership benefits

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Log-In to Member Portal

Access and update your membership listing information and images, see open invoices

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Help! I'm a Member & Need a User Log-In

If you're a member and need to receive a user account and log-in credentials just drop us a line and we'll get you squared away!