North Cascades Highway Clearing Has Begun for the 2025 Season!
Wenatchee Bridges - Hashtag DOTHELOOP
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The Mission of the Cascade Loop Association is to provide a world-class road trip for our visitors while delivering value to our members. 

Would you like to be a member of the Cascade Loop Association, and be represented as part of the National Scenic Byway, including being listed on our website and included in the Cascade Loop Travel Guides (printed and online)?

We’re a 501c6 non-profit located in Wenatchee, WA but serving the entire 440-mile byway corridor. We promote travel to the byway through a variety of methods including this website, search engine marketing, social media, print advertising, video, international travel trade shows, and our printed and digital travel guide. We print 80,000 copies and distribute them world-wide at no charge to those who request it, and distribution locations such as travel agencies, tourist destinations, hotels, attractions, etc. The printed guide is also posted online and downloaded or viewed well over 100,000 times throughout the year, effectively doubling the exposure. All members receive a text listing in our Travel Guide if membership is received by December 15th, and are listed on our website, (no deadline).

Click Here to learn more about what the Cascade Loop does for its traveling audience and its members, and statistics for 2024!

2025 Annual Membership Options

Basic - $299 -- Text listing in Printed/Online Travel Guide and Website Listing with 6 photos and contact information

Media Rich - $599 -- In addition to text listing in Travel Guide and Website Listing, you receive more listing photos, an opportunity to share your unique blog content with our audience, and your business will be included in itineraries that will be shared over our channels and with media partners. 

Learn more about each of our Membership Tiers and see examples here

Additional Advertising Opportunities

See our full Rate Card including detailed membership and advertising information, rates and traveler demographics. Advertising with the Cascade Loop Association is limited to our members and timelines and limitations apply.

Please sign me up for membership with the Cascade Loop Association at the level I've selected below

Business or Organization Name *

Contact Name *

Contact Phone Number *

Contact Email *

Physical Address of Business/Organization *

City *

Zip Code *

Mailing Address of Business/Organization (If different from above)


Zip Code

Website *

Public Email *

Optional: Please sign me up for the additional promotional options below:

Display Advertising in the Print & Digital Travel Guide

  Full-page $5,175
  Half-Page $2,640
  Quarter-Page $1,520
  Eighth-Page $810

Social Media Shares

  Facebook Mentions $399 per year

Facebook is one of the most popular ways for prospective travelers to connect with us, whether it’s to get a sense of what the Loop is like, or to contact us so we can answer questions, and make their travel planning a little easier. We now have over 60k fans! Put your business in front of this highly engaged audience. We’ll share your tourism-specific Facebook posts specifically linking to your page 2-3 per month.

  Instagram $399 per year

Instagram has become a hugely popular way for prospective travelers to connect with us, particularly those who respond to images and video. We now have over 13,700 followers! Put your business/ organization in front of this highly engaged audience. At least once a month we will create organic content about you, and share it with our fans, which will help increase your following. If you have a specific promotion/activity/event that you want us to post about on @cascadeloop – just let us know! O

Email Marketing

  Digital Travelers Newsletter - Content Sponsorship $499 per issue

The Cascade Loop Association has been able to catalogue over 24,000 opt-in email addresses. Put your message and image in front of this highly-qualified audience. Newsletters are emailed bi-monthly. Sponsorships will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.

  Digital Travelers Newsletter - Dedicated Segment $75 per issue

Purchase a segment to promote a special event, activity or other traveler-centric opportunity. Limited availability.

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Notes or Questions for us

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