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Local Color on The Loop Issue 5: Leaf Seaburg

Ting-Li Wang | 11/26/2018 | Blog, Fishing & Hunting, Methow Valley, The Great Outdoors, Water Activities

Being in touch with nature comes easily for Leaf Little Fox Seaburg, owner and guide of Methow Fishing Adventures in Twisp, WA.  Born and raised in the Methow Valley, Seaburg grew up fishing in its rivers and streams- he knows the area like the back of his hand.  He shares his enthusiasm for fly fishing and the love of nature on the weekly Methow Fishing Report on KTRT 97.5 with his buddy, Deputy Don. On a recent broadcast, the two share news about community efforts to protect the Methow headwaters against industrial-scale mining, hunting for wild mushrooms and Seaburg’s latest fishing spot.  

As the raindrops fall steadily on the man-made lake at the Freestone Inn in Mazama, Seaburg gracefully casts his fly rod over and over.  His laser-like focus intensifies as he glides effortlessly from stone to stone, following his prey.  While he can’t control the weather or the fish, “What I can do is make sure that you are a better fisherman when you leave,” said Seaburg.  As a fishing guide specializing in Okanogan County, Seaburg organizes fly fishing adventures in Washington’s still waters and streams.  He wants his clients to learn while have fun doing it.  One way to break the ice is by telling entertaining stories from his fishing trips- like the time when he witnessed 2 mama deer chest butting coyotes while protecting a fawn. 

While helping others to reconnect with nature and themselves, Seaburg pursues a respectful and thoughtful approach about fishing.  Ever so mindful of human impact on the planet, the father of two strives to take care of the fish, the streams and the environment while sharing his passion for fly fishing.  On this crisp autumn morning, Seaburg gently removes the hook from a rainbow trout's mouth after catching it. He releases it back into the lake under tall ponderosa pines.  The fish splashes about and swims away.

Local Color on The Loop is an ongoing, multi-issue installment featuring the colorful personalities one might just encounter while traveling the Cascade Loop. This installment features the talents of the Skagit Valley's own local photo journalistic celebrity, Ting-Li Wang. Ting-Li's previous experience includes The Wisconsin State Legislature, The New York Times, The Virginian-Pilot and The Hays Daily News 2018. Check out more of her work and follow her adventures on Instagram at @tingliwangphoto.

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